Overall, I really like this skirt! It's very cute and the pattern of the fabric (how the maker cut out the panels to make the skirt) is very flattering!It looks adorable, even though I'm a big girl and have very low self esteem. Luckily it covers my butt! That's a very rare thing. It also has white panels underneath the fabric so that the parts you don't want people to see don't show through. There's no need to worry about cleavage and open backsides being seen, and I love how light and frilly this dress is, especially where I live. I live in a dry, hot climate with daily lows of 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. The lightweight fabric makes it very easy to wear in the summer. But that's just my opinion. I am in the process of losing weight and will most likely lose weight so that the dresses will fit better and cover my flesh better.